Kulbro View - The new viewpoint on Aarhus harbour
© Thomas Lillevang
What are we doing?
The making of Kulbro View was made possible thanks to FSC Denmark and the group Kulbroens Venner alongside a group of commited contractors and construction companies. The viewpoint was opened up to the public in August 2017, and the plan is for the platform to stay on the old coal crane tracks for at least a year.
Kulbro View consists of 17 different tropical timber species - some of which are frequently used and others that are lesser known. What all 17 species have in common is the fact that they, with the help of FSC, all come from sustainable tropical forests. The viewpoint was designed by Danish architect Thomas Lillevang and built by the FSC certified construction company Lund & Staun.
If you want to know more about the different tropical timber species go to LesserKnownTimberSpecies.com.
For the subfloor construction, the following species were used: Louro Vermelho, Piquia, Uchi Torrado, Massaranduba, Bilinga and Azobé
For the decking, the following species were used: Garapa, Muiracatiara, Pakuli, Guariuba, Jutai, Cumaru and Bangkirai
For the railing, the following species were used: Angelim Vermelho, Jequitiba, Jatoba and Okan
Gallery showing the different species used
Why are we doing it?
Kulbro View has been made in order to let people know that it is actually okay to use tropical timber as long as it comes from FSC certified forests. By choosing an FSC certified forest, you can be sure that the wood has been harvested in a sustainable forest where the lives of both the animals in the forests and the local people has been taken into consideration.
We see many cases of tropical forests being cut down, burned off and restructured into palm oil plantations or agricultural establishments, when the farm owners and the local community cannot make money out of the wood. By requesting FSC certified wood, we help give them a financial encouragement to run the forests sustainably as well as a way to obtain social development.
But! We also built the viewpoint as a way to demonstrate some of the different tropical species that can be found throughout the world. By using wood from three different continents, we wish to show the construction industry that they do not have to choose between the same five species every time, but that there is a whole range of beuatiful wood to choose from.
Who is behind the project?
The following companies and organizations have helped make the project possible:
Kulbroens venner, Global Timber, Lund & Staun, XL-BYG a.m.b.a.,
NCC, Tracer, Stark, Wood-ways.com, Wennerth Wood Trading, Cicon
Gert Skyt International, International Timber Trading, and Keflico.
The construction of the viewpoint was also supported by the European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC) and in collaboration with Aarhus Kommune.